Wiki The King of Fighters

This is a compilation of move lists of Oswald.

The King of Fighters XI[]


2 - near opponent, ← or → + C or D

Command Moves

10 - ↘ + A
J (Jack) - → + A

Special Moves

Spade - ↓↙← + P (up to 2 times)
Diamond - ↓↘→ + P (up to 2 times)
Club - ↓↙← + K
Heart - ↓↘→ + K
A (Ace) - ↓↘→ + E
Q (Queen) - →↓↘ + Any
K (King) - ←↓↙ + K

Desperation Moves

Flush - ↓↘→↓↙← + P (C can hold)
10・J・Q・K・A - →↘↓↙← →↘↓↙← + P

Leader Desperation Move

JOKER - charge ←,→,←,→ + E